Friday, 27 March 2009

Sunset over Wall Street - End-of-Quarter Layoffs Hit Amazon, IBM, Google, and The New York Times

Seems like even the biggest and brightest are making layoffs right now - end of first quarter jitters? No one is immune. Plan now!

"The best way to predict the future is to create it" (Abraham Lincoln).

Play at 100%

Who realises that they're selling themselves short in their career? Are you really willing to do whatever it takes to live your dreams?

Your energy and participation is critical to producing results in your life. If you're not playing full out in one area of your life, where else are you doing that? Where else are you giving up your power to produce the results you really want?

Remember:- "The way you do one thing is the way you do EVERYTHING". If you procrastinate about getting out of bed in the morning then you most likely procrastinate about applying for promotion, promoting yourself and tidying up your resume.

The good news is that you can change in an instant. Creating change is as simple as making new choices, especially when you have the right tools. I'll be sharing more tomorrow on how NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) tools can help.

Thursday, 26 March 2009

World Economic Forum stresses importance of education and technology in times of global turmoil

This annually published Report stresses the importance of information, communications and technolgy (ICT) as a catalyst for growth in the current global turmoil. It underlines that good education fundamentals and high levels of technological readiness and innovation are essential engines of growth needed to overcome the current economic crisis.

See the full report and rankings:

What message does this give to you personally about your own career and growth?

Career Safari - hang on tight and enjoy the ride!

This is not your parents' world. Gone are the days when you joined a company and retired 40 years later, having worked your way up through the ranks in the meantime.

These are crazy times for careers. Layoffs and redundancies everywhere you look. Gloom and doom from all quarters. Careers today are a journey - and there has never been a better time for those who are well prepared to benefit from whatever is going on outside.

Why? Well, technology has created the means for us to work more flexibly and creatively than ever before. Opportunities are opening up everywhere - they might not be the same opportunities as existed before but surviving and thriving in a downturn is easy if you're looking in the right places.

Take control of your career - it's a safari full of fun, fulfilment and fantastic vistas! You might find a few potholes and ruts along the way but hang on tight and you'll be fine!

Join our Career Safari and enjoy the ride! We'll be providing hints, tips and resources to keep your career right on track - whatever you're doing - so bookmark this page :-)